- بنیاد خیریه کرامت افغانستان - https://keramat-af.com -

The 29th stage of the implementation of the project of sponsoring the orphans in Helmand and suburbs

🔷 Keramat Charity Foundation made another step in its series of donations to the orphans of Lashkargah city (the center of Helmand province) and suburbs in cash by the officials of the Orphanage Department.

🔷 In Mohsenin’s plan, caring and volunteering philanthropists from Kuwait, Netherlands, Germany and America have so far taken care of 145 orphans in Kandahar, 82 orphans in Helmand, and 89 orphans in Mashhad and their assistance continues monthly. Also, some mutton was donated in several times.

💐 We are extremely grateful to all the benefactors who have taken care of these orphans and we ask for the help of other loved ones as well.

❇️ Hazrat Ali, peace be upon him, says:
One of the highest levels of charity is kindness towards orphans.